illustrator and storyteller

Angie Suarez

illustrator and storyteller


If you would like to contact the artist for commissioning purposes please send an email to

Angie Suarez was born in Seville (Spain), where she graduated in Fine Arts and coordinated her faculty’s comic-book club for two years. She studied her last year as an exchange student on the Erasmus programme at the DMU of Leicester (UK), enrolling on the Graphic Design and illustration course.

While finishing her studies she created a series of pop culture t-shirt designs that were featured in major sites like Qwertee,Othertees or TeebustersSome of those designs have been reprinted various times due to popularity and are still available for print on demand on her Redbubble account as well as varied merchandise like, bags, posters, stickers, phone cases etc.

Angie also created the webcomic I live in a country called Spain. A politics centered webcomic narrating the unbelievable news headlines in a sarcastic undertone.

2º place in the comic and illustration contest at Huelva Comic-con  2008
1º place in the comic and illustration contest at Huelva Comic-con  2008

Coordinator of the comic book society at the Fine Arts Faculty in Seville from 2008 to 2010.
Duties:prepare and give lectures and practising exercises organise the collective yearly comic exhibition.
Edit the yearly fanzine and distribute it during the cultural week.

Collective Exhibition “¡Ilustración a la vista!” 2010Faculty of Fine Arts , Seville(img. 3 y 4 dossier)Collective Exhibition “Carmona en viñetas“2012 (Carmona, Sevilla)